Showing posts with label The Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Lifestyle. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

7 Lifestyle Changes to Make You a Better Entrepreneur

If there were a magic button that could instantly
make you a better entrepreneur — one that gave
you better ideas, let you make clearer decisions,
helped you communicate better with the team, etc.
— you’d almost certainly press it.
Entrepreneurs tend to desire improvement in all
areas of their lives, especially areas that will make
them better business owners. Obviously, there’s no
magic button, but there are many ongoing
strategies that can improve your leadership and
business acumen.
The Lifestyle Difference
You could undergo a training program or engage
in brainstorming sessions with peers as simple
ways to become a better entrepreneur. These
approaches focus on the acquisition of knowledge
or a new skill set.
However, there are also lifestyle factors that can be
incorporated gradually and that condition your
mind to achieve its fullest potential. These lifestyle
changes are simple, easy to adopt, and can have
powerful effects on your entrepreneurial
performance, so why not give them a shot?
1. Take more breaks. There’s no question that taking
breaks can actually increase your productivity.
Though it’s tempting to work through lunch to
squeeze in an extra few assignments, it’s better for
you in the long term to allow your mind to
decompress, and return with greater focus and
motivation. Commit to taking at least three small
breaks throughout the day, even if they’re only 10
minutes, and incorporate breaks on a larger scale
by taking an occasional vacation.
2. Get more sleep. Sleep is more important than
most people realize. That recommended “eight
hours” might seem like a pipe dream, but if you’re
getting only a few hours of sleep per night on an
ongoing basis, or if you maintain an inconsistent
and unpredictable sleep schedule, you could be
sabotaging your own potential for success.
Without enough sleep, you’ll have a harder time
concentrating, remembering things, and solving
problems … not to mention all the physical health
problems associated with long-term sleep
deprivation. Do yourself and your team a favor by
making a good night’s sleep a top priority.
3. Read every day. The benefits of reading should be
obvious; you’ll gather new information and
knowledge for starters, but you’ll also build your
vocabulary and strengthen your communication
skills. The wider range of books you read, the more
pronounced these effects will be; don’t pigeonhole
yourself into one genre, format, or subject. Expose
yourself to a wide array of perspectives, and
you’re likely to generate more creative ideas.
4. Talk to more people. Ask your team for their
thoughts on your business. Talk to competitors and
peers. Seek opportunities to discuss your field with
other professionals at networking events. Talk to
random strangers on the street. The more you
interact with people who are not part of your daily
routine, the more skilled you’ll become at
communicating … and you’ll surely pick up new
ideas and perspectives that can help you solve
problems and address individual needs.
As an added bonus, you might even meet some new
potential clients or hires.
5. Eat healthier foods. The foods you eat can have a
substantial impact on your mind and body.
Without the proper nutrition, you might not be
able to function properly. We all intuitively
experience the energy drag that junk food can
have, and we all know what it’s like to try and
work while hungry. Keep your body fueled with
healthy, nutrient-dense foods. Kale is a perfect
example. It’s low in calories, high in fiber, high in
protein, and packed with antioxidants. As a
general rule, the more fruits and vegetables you
eat, the better; and the fewer processed foods you
consume, the healthier you’re apt to feel.
6. Be willing to ask for help. Inevitably, you’ll run
into pain points as an entrepreneur, and many of
us would prefer to take on and address those
obstacles independently. However, doing this on a
steady basis almost always leads to overwhelmed
work schedules, high levels of stress, and improper
procedures (especially in the case of tackling an
objective outside your expertise). It’s important for
you to learn to ask for help from outside sources to
prevent these negative outcomes. For example, you
could delegate a task to one of your team members,
seek counsel from a mentor, or even ask a family
member for help in brainstorming.
7. Reduce your reliance on technology. You probably
use the computer or smartphone for almost every
facet of your job these days. When you get home,
you might relax with more computer-based
entertainment or TV. You might even check your
email and voicemails throughout the night.
Breaking away from technology on an occasional
basis — even for a few hours — can be beneficial
to you in the long run. It can improve your focus,
reduce your stress, and give you time for more
important things. Why not pick up a book and kill
two birds with one stone?
Some of these lifestyle changes might appeal to you
more than others, but you ought to give all of them
a fair try. Even if it seems like an impossible goal
(like getting enough sleep every night), or
uncomfortable (like stepping away from technology
on a daily basis), you should challenge yourself to
improve in these key areas.
You’ll find yourself thinking more clearly, working
harder, and most important, feeling better about
your own role.

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