Tuesday, 3 April 2018

35 Inspirational Quotes Opportunity

35 Inspirational Quotes Opportunity

Opportunity is defined as an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do or the possibility of doing something. May these quotes inspire you to live fearlessly and embrace every opportunity so that you may live your dreams.
1. “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” Bobby Unser
2. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Henry Ford
3. “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.” Ann Landers
4. “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.” Richard Branson

5. “Don’t wait for the right opportunity: create it.” George Bernard Shaw

6. “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein
7. “To see an opportunity we must be open to all thoughts.” Catherine Pulsifer
8. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Milton Berle
9. “Most people miss great opportunities because of their misperception of time. Don’t wait! The time will never be just right.” Stephen C. Hogan

10. “What is one opportunity could change your life?” Marie Forleo

11. “Today is not just another day. It’s a new opportunity, another chance, a new beginning. Embrace it.” Anonymous
12. “We do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life.” Anonymous
13. God will supply us with the opportunity, but it’s up to us to do something with it.” Anonymous
14. “Expect change. Analyze the landscape. Take the opportunities. Stop being the chess piece; become the player. It’s your move.” Tony Robbins

15. “Today is an opportunity to get better. Don’t waste it.” Anonymous

16. “When opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to go after it.” Eddie Kennison
17. “Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” Richard Branson
18. “Be a magnet that draw opportunity. Paint brilliant thoughts and actions. Mirro success.” Shawn L. Anderson
19. “Opportunity is everywhere. The key is to develop the vision to see it.” Anonymous

20. “Excuses will always be there for you. Opportunity won’t.” Anonymous

21. “Keep your mind open to opportunities. They are closer than you think.” Anonymous
22. “To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.” Benjamin Franklin
23. “There are secret opportunities hidden inside every failure.” Anonymous
24. “Most do not understand the wonderful opportunities life gives until they look back at their life.” Eric Handler

25. “Confidence unlocks every opportunity in life.” Anonymous

26. “You create your own opportunities.” Anonymous
27. “Pressure, challenges – they are all an opportunity for me to rise.” Kobe Bryant
28. “Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.” Napoleon Hill
29. “Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems.” Sun Tzu

30. “Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat.” Steve Jobs

31. “Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.” Anonymous
32. “The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity.” Anonymous
33. Education exposes young people to a broader world, a world full of opportunity and hope.” Christine Gregoire
34. “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous skilful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” Harry S. Truman

35. “Greatness is your potential. Action is your opportunity.” Anonymous

Thursday, 1 February 2018

How to Calculate Safe Days to Avoid Pregnancy

How to Calculate Safe Days to Avoid Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be a happy thing for couples that want to have children, especially in a marriage setup. However, it can be devastating for women that did not expect it. This is what leads to unnecessary abortions, and sometimes children that are born and given up for adoption thus denied the chance to grow up with their biological parents. Instead of letting it get to this point, it’s wise that you avoid it from the word go especially if you’ve got an active sexual life. There’s different ways to do it, and one of the most common and the oldest way being to calculate safe days. Here is how you do it.
How to calculate safe days to avoid pregnancy
If you are to understand your safe days to avoid pregnancy, you first have to understand your cycle. A menstrual cycle is complete from day 1 of your periods to the next day 1 of the next period. Safe days are calculated as being between day 1 to 7 and also from day 21 to the last day of the cycle. These are the days within which you can engage in sexual activity without worrying about getting pregnant. The days aren’t fixed. They’ll change depending on your cycle. Most women get 28 day cycles with a few having lesser days. However, there is also a group of women that have cycles that are longer than 28 days and for this category of ladies, the concept of safe days can never be relied upon since it is almost impossible to predict.
What is the safe days to avoid pregnancy?
Knowing your safe days to avoid pregnancy after menstruation will save you a lot of trouble especially when you are not prepared for it. It is important that you take extreme caution when calculating your safe days since relying on physical means and guesswork could lead to serious mistakes that could cost you and result in regrets. After pinpointing unsafe days, you can take necessary measures avoid pregnancy by using protection on these days. It is not to put you off sex, but rather let you plan. It is advisable to use proven techniques to calculate your safe days. Here are two that will work excellently.
The safe period calculator
This method demands that you understand the menstrual cycle changes. The first step is to identify when you cycle starts and when it ends. This knowledge will be crucial in determining and finding your safe and unsafe periods. It will equip you with the knowledge of what are the safe days to avoid pregnancy in your case.
Once you master this calculator works you have to find out if it’s compatible with your cycle. Not all people can use this technique successfully. Those who qualify to use it are people whose average length of the menstrual cycle for the past six months has been between 26 to 32 days. In addition to this, the difference between longest and shortest cycles is seven days or less. However, before you can attempt to use this technique, it is advisable to visit your doctor to inquire this method’s reliability. The failure rate has been registered to be between 3-4 percent per year.
The method cannot work for people whose cycle is less than 26 days and on the higher side more than 32 days. You also cannot use it immediately after child birth as your cycle is yet to stabilize. Only use it after you have had six regular menstrual cycles after delivery. It also does not work for women who are almost reaching menopause as well as teens.
2. FAM- Fertility Awareness Method
This is the second technique to calculate your safe days. It is often referred to as natural family planning. With this technique, you need to be keen about the signs that the body is releasing due to hormone changes in the body. It is based on a couple of assumptions including:
An egg is released in a cycle

Eggs live up to 24 hours

Sperms survive for up to 6 days within which they can fertilize the ovum

A woman’s fertility happens within six days before ovulation and two to three days after ovulation.

The system works by alerting you on the days that you are most fertile thus you will be able to take the necessary precautions. Apart from these two methods, you can also go for the ovulation predictors test kits. These will help you during ovulation although they are not entirely dependable.
Safe days to avoid pregnancy chart
With a better understanding of how to calculate your safe days, the following chart will simplify your work.
Get the short cycle on record

Minus 18 from the days in your shortest cycle

Add the number you get to your current cycle (add from day one of the cycle)

Mark the day the addition gets you to with an X

X will be your first fertile day of the current cycle

The last fertile day process is different.
Get the longest cycle and minus 11 from total day count

Add the result to day one of your cycle. The result is your last fertile day

Remember that sperm can stay viable in the vagina for a couple of days. It is always wise to give yourself an up to 4 days padding to your first fertile day to avoid any surprises.
This calculation may seem complicated, but when put in a chart it is very simple. Use your calendar to mark the days and follow through. Alternatively, if all this appears like a hustle that you cannot get through then visit a doctor for the best advice on how to avoid pregnancy, safe days or not. Even so, most of these measures are not 100% guarantees.

Thursday, 10 August 2017


By Sunday Adelaja

In one of my ‘Ask Pastor Sunday’ sessions, I was asked about the question of masturbation. My initial understanding was that I must give people some relief from the feelings of guilt after the practice of masturbation. So I tried to comfort young people who don’t wish to practice actively the act of masturbation, but yet find themselves having wet dreams.

A wet dream is an erotic dream that causes involuntary ejaculation of semen. This act that happens to almost all men, tells us about the nature of men. It is a proof that the act of releasing semen is natural. It also explains why men are more sexually driven than the women.

When you understand wet dreams it is also easy to understand why masturbation is so popular with men. The way the man is wired is that his semen gathers with time in his sperm bag either he likes it or not they need to be released or used up one way or the other. That is why not all release of semen should be considered as sinful, especially in the case of wet dreams. In my question and answer sessions, I was trying to comfort young men that find themselves in a similar situation not to live in the resultant process of blame or self-condemnation that follows the involuntary ejaculation of semen.

Nevertheless, why do most Christians see masturbation as a sinful act? This was yet another question that followed the previous one in another of my question and answer sessions. I was directly challenged to answer if masturbation is a sin or not. My explanation was that when most people masturbate they have to imagine an image or a partner in their mind, which equals to what Jesus called adultery in the book of Matthew.

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matt 5:27-28

When a man lusts in his heart after a woman, he has already committed adultery with her even though he has not physically slept with her. That mental adultery goes along side with masturbation.

The reason why I have decided to write this more elaborate article about why masturbation is wrong is that some people who are not Christians and don’t believe the authority of the Bible asked the question that apart from the Bible saying masturbation is a sin, is there any other thing that proves that the act itself is wrong?

My aim, therefore, today is to give reasons why I believe that masturbation is still wrong even if we are not considering what Jesus said about adultery in the heart. I want to point out to all my readers that there are enough reasons to believe that masturbation is wrong even without considering the fact that it is sinful.


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1. Loss of interest in marriage:
Most men that actively practice the act of masturbation will in time lose the taste for the institution of marriage.

2. Loss of life focus:
The men that actively masturbate tend to think about it most of the time. It is as bad as according to some psychologist, there are men who think about masturbating every 5 minutes making them lose focus on the most important things in life. A man’s thoughts are supposed to be predominantly about his life’s goals, missions and purposes.

3. Feelings of inferiority complex:
In most cases when men practice masturbation on regular basis, they develop feelings of inferiority complex. They tend to think that they are not normal and in some cases, they think they are the only ones suffering from this addiction. They think others are normal while they are not.

4. Late marriages:
They are normally late marriages among people who are addicted to practising masturbation for a long time. They find it difficult to morally get themselves equipped and ready not seeing much need for it. In some cases, they are afraid of the responsibilities that come with marriage.

5. Unhealthy sexual fantasies:
Most people who are involved in masturbation cannot really do without fantasizing. This process of fantasizing could be as gory and pervasive in the mind as it could get. This becomes a problem in marriage when a married man is sleeping with his wife yet in his fantasies he is actually not seeing his wife but other women.

6. The flesh is insatiable:
People involved in masturbation sooner or later discover that the hunger for sexual satisfaction is insatiable. Hence the process of seeking for pleasure always lands such an individual in the most sordid practices of sexual pervasion including soliciting the services of prostitutes and escorts.

7. It brings sexual pervasion into marriage:
For a married man who , to masturbating before marriage, the degradation could continue to the extent of him not being able to be sexually aroused by his spouse. In which case most men have to result to watching pornographic films and pictures while they make love to their wives otherwise they will not be able to get themselves aroused.

8. Masturbation could lead to swinging in marriage:
The height of sexual pervasion that results from masturbation is what is called swinger parties when men who are no more aroused by their partners go to the extent of engaging in sex with other married couples. Even going to the extent of arranging orgy parties for it.

9. Masturbation could lead to sexual fetishism:
A lot of young men go about stealing ladies underwear or getting close to women private belongings so as to use them as an act of sexual gratification. a is as a result of a long practice of self-gratification through masturbation that now looks for a more outward expression. , normally happens to men that lack the guts and boldness to approach a lady. It is a form of addiction.

10. Pornographic addiction:
Most people who practice masturbation end up becoming addicted to pornography because it provides secrecy and it allows for a faster process of fantasy and ejaculation. The problem is that it becomes addictive sooner or later.

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11. Masturbation leads to horrible sexual pervasion:
People who start out with masturbation have been found to be caught in rape, sex with animals, sadism, sadomasochism and other unthinkable acts. a is because the flesh can never be satisfied. The fantasy and pursuit of sexual satisfaction are endless.

12. Masturbation leads to prostate related diseases:
Most people who are actively involved in masturbation get complications in their later years, because of different complications they have with their health after the age of 40. It might not necessarily lead to prostate cancer for everybody, but it gives enough health concerns to be worried about.

13. Selfishness and egocentrism in marriage:
A person that is used to satisfying himself sexually through masturbation continues to do that even after he is married. The wife will be constantly dissatisfied because the husband is not used to satisfying others but himself.

14. Premature ejaculation:
One of the main problems in marriage for people who have been involved in masturbation is premature ejaculation. Why that is a problem is that when a man suffers from premature ejaculation, the woman in most cases remains unsatisfied which could lead to complications in the marriage relationship.

15. Erectile dysfunction:
When someone engages in masturbation long enough, it gets to a point when you don’t really need an erection to ejaculate and once a man ejaculates he is satisfied but in marriage, this becomes a problem because an erection is necessary to satisfy a partner sexually. It is also necessary for reproduction.

16. Feelings of Guilt and self-condemnation:
One of the most horrible consequences of masturbation is that most people who engage in it experience feelings of guilt and self-condemnation on a regular basis, which is also an indication to us that it is not natural to live a life of masturbation.

17. Depression and gloominess:
Masturbation often results in feelings of depression and gloominess. Most people who are involved in masturbation become moody and closed because they are afraid of sharing their experience with people because of the fear of condemnation and being misunderstood.

18. Inability to build a healthy relationship with the opposite sex:
Most people who are involved in masturbation are so used to living within themselves, they reach agreements with themselves that they often don’t know how to build the complicated relationship with the opposite sex. In a relationship you need to constantly find out what the other person’s interest is. This could lead to men preferring not to marry or even to divorce after marriage.

19. Social and societal awkwardness:
Most such men feel awkward and unaccepted in the society and among their peers. They feel out of place if they don’t have a girlfriend or if they don’t marry at a certain age or they are uninterested in woman. On the other hand, they might feel they are under pressure from the society to get a wife even though they don’t have the interest. They might be pushed into marrying to make children even though they don’t have the love for their partner. They have all sorts of awkwardness due to masturbation.

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20. Lack of strong will:
The problem of masturbation is an affirmation of the fact that a man has stopped fighting. It is an acceptance of defeat. In most cases when you accept defeat in a particular area of your life, it could go a long way to affecting you in other areas. It now becomes easier to give up rather than to fight.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to state here that by this article I am by no means trying to condemn anyone. On the opposite, my intention is to give a helping hand to all men and women that are faced with this challenge. The reason I can authoritatively write about this subject is due to the fact that I was a victim of sexual addiction especially masturbation. I can testify to the fact that God can give victory to anyone that so desires.

I have written a book that is available on Amazon that is called Living Sexually Free for those that are interested, you can get yourself a copy. I also want to let you know that if you are reading this article, you should be on the lookout for another article which is going to be about concrete steps to overcome masturbation.

Meanwhile, I will wish to encourage every man or family that is struggling with this habit to start by stopping to condemn yourself and each other. Make sure you shift your attention from the dominance of masturbation into more relevant topics of life like goals, purposes, missions, etc.

I also want to say that even when you are already free from masturbation, you should not assume that there would not be times when you will experience a low point. The most important thing to fight against becoming addicted. That is you don’t practice it on a permanent or constant basis. If it is only a matter of occasional failure, simply get up, dust yourself off and keep moving. Move on towards your goals, targets and destination in life. When you keep on fighting that way soon you will find out that you are experiencing more and more victory until you eventually discover that it is no more a question of worry or concern in your life.

Spend less time deliberating within yourself or fighting in your mind. Focus on your love for God and on building a closer relationship with your creator. It is my belief that love is stronger than any sin. If your love for God is stronger than for any habit, you are in a safe place.

Source: Sunday Adelaja’s

Monday, 7 August 2017

5 Things Successful People Do (Every Day)

Do you ever wish that you were a little bit more 

successful than you are right now? 

The truth is… many people do! And of course, you most 

definitely can be :)

However, there are certain things that successful people 

do every day to create more success and happiness in 

their lives. 

Want to know what they are?

To create more success in your life, try implementing 

these 5 simple tips:

Tip 1- Start Your Day Early. 

I know what you’re thinking - you do your best work at 

night or you love sleeping in? Well, research shows that 

morning people are more proactive and more

productive. They use this time of the day to focus on the 

things that have priority, and therefore they accomplish 


Tip 2- Move Your Body!

Let’s face it, when we move and stretch our bodies, we 

instantly feel better. This is because movement triggers 

our body to release stress and endorphins. Successful 

people know this and they take their health seriously! 

Whether it’s doing a yoga class, hitting the gym or 

walking your dog, make sure you set aside some time 

each day to be active.

Tip 3- Make Time For Yourself And Your Loved 


Successful people value the importance of setting aside 

some time for themselves, disconnecting from all 

technology and enjoying the activities they love most, 

like reading a book, listening to music or spending 

quality time with their friends and family. They know that 

this time is as valuable as working, as it allows them to 

energize and replenish their mind and soul.

Tip 4- Take Ownership Of Your Own Happiness. 

For successful people, happiness is a choice, not an 

external circumstance. They find joy in the simplest 

things in life - a smile, sunshine, a conversation. They 

tend to see the positive in every situation and they treat 

life as the ultimate gift! So make the decision to be 

happy right now! :)

Tip 5- Plan ahead. 

To maximize their potential, successful people map out 

their days, have short-term goals and they also hold a 

clear vision of what they want out of life!

Now as you can see, this is not weird science. It just 

takes perseverance to incorporate these small steps 

into your life in order to make a positive change. 

If you can’t follow all of them right away, don’t stress out, 

take baby steps and incorporate 1 tip each week until it 

becomes a habit. 

Sunday, 30 July 2017

DO NOT GET MARRIED Unless You Ask Your Partner These

DO NOT GET MARRIED Unless You Ask Your Partner These 11 Questions!

Some good relationship advice before considering marriage is to take the time to ask questions that plumb the inner depths of your partner’s personality and psychology. Here are eleven questions you can ask to his or her suitability for a marriage partner:

1 – Why do you love me? – This is a questions that lovers have asked each other from the beginning of time, but it does provide real information about their psychological and social needs in a mate. If the focus seems to be on what you have or what you can provide materially in the marriage, you might need to look elsewhere for an authentic commitment.
2 – What are you goals and are you willing to adjust them for the relationship? – This question can reveal what priority the relationship has in the overall life plan. If the individual is more to achieve life goals and expects you to do all the adjusting, it could be an unfavorable sign.
3 – Do you know how to compromise? – Compromise is the essence of a good marriage. A person who shows an inclination to feel “it’s my way or the highway” is not a good candidate for the negotiations and compromises that marriage requires.
4 – What’s your relationship with your family? – A bad relationship with family can indicate issues that could affect the marriage. Similarly, someone is too close to his or her family may be so enmeshed that the marriage may not come first. Relationship counseling can help to resolve these issues.

5 – Why do you want to spend your life’s journey with me? – This answer can tell you about the expectations of your partner and whether relationship therapy might be needed to create healthier expectations about your role in the marriage.
6 – Can you keep the romance alive? – Someone who understands the value of keeping romance alive will actively work to invigorate the relationship over time.
7 – Can’t you work through the rough patches. Someone who dislikes conflict or who cannot work out differences will make a poor marriage partner.
8 – What are your parenting skills? – If you intend to have children, the previous family experiences of your partner can have a significant effect on his or her ability to parent.
9 – Can you commit to grow with me instead of away from me? – This answer can tell you whether the person understands the nature of close relationships and the constant maintenance they require.
10 – Will you continue to grow in the relationship? – A person that continues to have hobbies and interests that are separate from the marriage will make a more interesting and independent partner.
11 – If My Life Is Cut Short, Will You Honor My Memory Forever? – An individual that will continue to hold that relationship in memory as a valuable experience, rather than close the book on it, is likely to make the most of the time you have together.

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