Sunday, 10 November 2019

Do These 30 Things If You Want to Be Unstoppable

Do These 30 Things If You Want to Be Unstoppable

A lot of people are good at what they do. Some are even elite. A select few are completely unstoppable.
Those who are unstoppable are in their own world. They don’t compete with anyone but themselves. You never know what they will do—only that you will be forced to respond. Even though they don’t compete with you, they make you compete with them.
Are you unstoppable? By the end of this blog you will be.
Let’s get started:

1. Don’t think—know and act.

“Don’t think. You already know what you have to do, and you know how to do it. What’s stopping you?” — Tim Grover, author of Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable
Rather than analyzing and thinking, act. Attuned to your senses, and with complete trust in yourself, do what you instinctively feel you should. As Oprah has said, “Every right decision I have ever made has come from my gut. Every wrong decision I’ve made was the result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself.”
The moment you start thinking, you’ve already lost. Thinking swiftly pulls you out of the zone.

2. Always be prepared so you have the freedom to act on instinct.

“Just as the yin-yang symbol possesses a kernel of light in the dark, and of dark in the light, creative leaps are grounded in a technical foundation.” — Josh Waitzkin, author of The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance
Become a master of your craft. While everyone else is relaxing, you’re practicing and perfecting. Learn the left-brained rules in and out so your right brain can have limitless freedom to break the rules and create.
With enhanced consciousness, time will slow down for you. You’ll see things in several more frames than others. While they’re trying to react to the situation, you’ll be able to manipulate and tweak the situation to your liking.

3. Don’t be motivated by money or anything external.

Having nice things is, well, nice. But for you, it’s never been about the money, prestige or anything else outside of you. Take these things away and nothing changes for you. You’re still going to be pushing your personal limits and giving it your all. Give these things to you and they won’t destroy you like they do most people.

4. Never be satisfied.

“The drive to close the gap between near-perfect and perfect is the difference between great and unstoppable.” — Tim Grover
Even after you achieve a goal, you’re not content. For you, it’s not even about the goal. It’s about the climb to see how far you can push yourself.
Does this make you ungrateful? Absolutely not. You’re entirely humbled and grateful for everything in your life. Which is why you will never get complacent or lazy.

5. Always be in control.

Unlike most people, who are dependent on substances or other external factors, you are in control of what you put in your body, how you spend your time and how long you stay in the zone.
Act based on instinct, not impulse. Just because you could doesn’t mean you do. And when you do, it’s because you want to, not because you have to.

6. Be true to yourself.

Although 70 percent of US employees hate their jobs and only one in three Americans report being happy, relentless and unstoppable people purge everything from their life they hate.
Have the self-respect and confidence to live life on your terms. When something isn’t right in your life, change it. Immediately.

7. Never let off the pressure.

“Pressure can bust pipes, but it also can make diamonds.” — Tim Grover
Most people can handle pressure in small doses. But when left to their own devices, they let off the pressure and relax.
Not you. You never take the pressure off yourself. Instead, you continuously turn-up the pressure. It’s what keeps you alert and active.

8. Don’t be afraid of the consequences of failure.

Most people stay close to the ground, where it’s safe. If they fall, it won’t hurt that bad. But when you choose to fly high, the fall may kill you. And you’re OK with that. To you, there is no ceiling and there is no floor. It’s all in your head. If something goes wrong—if you “fail”—you adjust and keep going.

9. Don’t compete with others. Make them compete with you.

Most people are competing with other people. They continuously check-in to see what others in their space (their “competition”) are doing. As a result, they mimic and copy what’s “working.”
Conversely, you’ve left all competition behind. Competing with others makes absolutely zero sense to you. It pulls you from your authentic zone. So you zone out all the external noise and instead zone in to your internal pressure to produce.

10. Never stop learning.

Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning. When you want to become the best at what you do, you never stop learning. You never stop improving and honing your skills and knowledge.
Your unparalleled preparation is what gives you power. No one else is willing to pay the price you’ve paid.

11. Success isn’t enough—it only increases the pressure.

For most people, becoming “successful” is enough. However, when you’re relentlesssuccess only increases the pressure to do more. Immediately following the achievement of a goal, you’re focused on your next challenge.

12. Don’t get crushed by success.

“Success can become a catalyst for failure.” — Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Most people can’t handle success, authority or privilege. It destroys them. It makes them lazy. When they get what they want, they stop doing the very things that got them there. The external noise becomes too intense.
But for you, no external noise can push harder than your own internal pressure. It’s not about this achievement, but the one after, and the one after that. There is no destination. Only when you’re finished.

13. Completely own it when you screw up.

“Implementing extreme ownership requires checking your ego and operating with a high degree of humility. Admitting mistakes, taking ownership and developing a plan to overcome challenges are integral to any successful team.”―Jocko Willink, author of Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
No blame. No deception or illusion. Just the cold hard truth. When you mess up, you own it. And as the leader, you own it when your team fails. Only with extreme ownership can you have complete freedom and control.

14. Let your work speak for itself.

“Well done, is well said.” — Anthony Liccione, poet and author
Cal Newport’s recent book, Deep Work, distinguishes “deep work” from “shallow work.” Here’s the difference:
Deep work is:
  • Rare
  • High value
  • And non-replicable (i.e., not easy to copy/outsource)
Shallow work is:
  • Common
  • Low value
  • Replicable (i.e., anyone can do it)
Talking is shallow. Anyone can do it. It’s easily replicated. It’s low value. Conversely, deep work is rare. It’s done by people who are focused and working while everyone else is talking. Deep work is so good it can’t be ignored. It doesn’t need words. It speaks for itself.

15. Always work on your mental strength.

“Mental resilience is arguably the most critical trait of a world-class performer, and it should be nurtured continuously. Left to my own devices, I am always looking for ways to become more and more psychologically impregnable. When uncomfortable, my instinct is not to avoid the discomfort but to become at peace with it. My instinct is always to seek out challenges as opposed to avoiding them.” — Josh Waitzkin
The better you can be under pressure, the further you’ll go than anyone else. Because they’ll crumble under pressure.
The best training you will ever do is mental training. Wherever your mind goes, your body follows. Wherever your thoughts go, your life follows.

16. Confidence is your greatest asset.

You’ve heard it before: Running a marathon is far more mental than physical. A person’s ability to run a marathon—or do anything hard—is more a reflection of their level of confidence than their actual ability.
Your confidence determines:
  • The size of challenges/goals you undertake
  • How likely you will achieve those goals
  • How well you bounce back from failures
If you’re not confident, you will never put yourself out there in the first place. When you’re confident, you don’t care how many times you fail, you’re going to succeed. And it doesn’t matter how stacked the odds seem against you.

17. Surround yourself with people who remind you of the future, not the past.

When you surround yourself with people who remind you of your past, you’ll have a hard time progressing. This is why we get stuck in certain roles, which we can’t break free from (e.g., the fat kid or shy guy).
Surrounding yourself with people who you want to be like allows you a fresh slate. You’re no longer defined by your past, only the future you are creating.

18. Let things go, but never forget.

Being unstoppable requires carrying no unnecessary mental or emotional baggage. Consequently, you’ll need to immediately and completely forgive anyone who has wronged you. However, forgiveness doesn’t mean you forget. And it doesn’t mean you have to do further business with those who have wronged you.

19. Have clear goals.

“While a fixation on results is certainly unhealthy, short-term goals can be useful developmental tools if they are balanced within a nurturing long-term philosophy.” — Josh Waitzkin
According to loads of psychology research, the most motivating goals are clearly defined and time-bound.
Your goals can either be focused on your behaviors (e.g., I’m going to write 500 words per day) or on the outcomes you’re seeking (e.g., I’m going to get published on The New York Times by June 1, 2016).
For most people, behaviorally-focused goals are the better and more motivating option. But when you crave the results so much that the work is irrelevant, your aim should be directed straight at the outcomes you want. However, results-focused goals are better when short-term and grounded in your long-term vision and philosophy. When your why is strong enough, the how will take care of itself.

20. Respond immediately, rather than analyzing or stalling.

“He who hesitates is lost.” — Cato
Anticipation of an event is always more extreme than the event itself—both for positive and negative events.
Just do it. Train yourself to respond immediately when you feel you should do something. Stop questioning yourself. Don’t analyze it. Don’t question if it came from God or from yourself. Just act.
You’ll figure out what to do after you’ve taken action. Until you take action, it will all be hypothetical. But once you act, it becomes practical.

21. Choose simplicity over complication.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” — Albert Einstein
It’s easy to be complicated. Most of the research and jargon in academia and business is over-complicated.
Cutting to the core and hitting the truth is hard, because it’s simple. As Leonardo da Vinci has said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Very few people will give you the truth. When you ask them a question, it gets mighty complicated. “There are so many variables” or “It depends” they say.
T. S. Eliot said it best, “Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”
Wisdom is timeless and simple. Learn wisdom and choose it.

22. Never be jealous or envious of someone else’s accomplishments.

Being unstoppable means you genuinely want what’s best for everyone—even those you would consider your competitors. Jealousy and envy are the ego—which operates out of fear.
The reason you are happy for other people’s success is because their success has nothing to do with you.
You are in control of you. And you are different from every other person. There is no one who can do exactly what you can do. You have your own superpower with your own unique ability to contribute. And that’s what you’re going to do.

23. Take the shot every time.

“If I fail more than you, I win.” —Seth Godin, author and marketer
You miss every shot you don’t take. And most people don’t want to take the shot. Fear of failure paralyzes them.
The only way you can become unstoppable is if you stop thinking about it. Just take the shot. Don’t do it only when it’s convenient or when you feel ready. Just go and make whatever adjustments you need after the fact.

24. Don’t get caught up in the results of your success. Always remain focused on what got you those results: the work.

When you start doing noteworthy stuff, there are benefits that can become distractions. It can get easy to “ride the wave” of your previous work. Keep practicing. Perfect your craft. Never forget what got you here.

25. Think and act 10X.

“When 10X is your measuring stick, you immediately see how you can bypass what everyone else is doing.” Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach
Most people—even those you deem to be “world class”—are not operating at 10X. In truth, you could surpass anyone if you radically stretch your thinking and belief system.
Going 10X changes everything. As Dan Sullivan has said, “10X thinking automatically takes you ‘outside the box’ of your present obstacles and limitations.” It pulls you out of the problems most people are dealing with and opens you to an entirely new field of possibilities.
When you take your goal of earning $100,000 this year and change it to $1,000,000, you’re forced to operate at a different level. The logical and traditional approach doesn’t work with 10X. As Shane Snow, author of Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Successhas said, “10x progress is built on bravery and creativity instead. Working smarter.”
The question is: Are you willing to go there? Not just entertain the thought for a second or two and then revert back to common thinking. No. Are you willing to sit with 10X thinking? Are you willing to question your own thought processes and open yourself to believing an entirely different set of possibilities?
Could you convince yourself to believe in your 10X potential? Are you willing to undertake goals that seems lunacy, to you and everyone else? Are you willing to take the mental leap, trusting “the universe will conspire to make it happen”?

26. Set goals that far exceed your current capabilities.

“You need to aim beyond what you are capable of. You need to develop a complete disregard for where your abilities end. If you think you’re unable to work for the best company in its sphere, make that your aim. If you think you’re unable to be on the cover of TIME magazine, make it your business to be there. Make your vision of where you want to be a reality. Nothing is impossible.” — Paul Arden, author of It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be
If your goals are logical, they won’t force you to create luck. Being unstoppable means your goals challenge you to be someone more than you currently are. As Jim Rohn has said, “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.”

27. Make time for recovery and rejuvenation.

“Wherever you are, make sure you’re there.” — Dan Sullivan
When you focus on results, rather than being busy, you’re 100 percent on when you’re working and 100 percent off when you’re not. This not only allows you to be present in the moment, but it allows you the needed time to rest and recover.
Your ability to work at a high level is like fitness. If you never take a break between sets, you won’t be able to build strength, stamina and endurance. However, not all “rest” produces recovery. Certain things are more soothing than others.
Recovering from my work generally consists of writing in my journal, listening to music, spending time with my wife and kids, preparing and eating delicious food, or serving other people. These things rejuvenate me. They make my work possible, but also meaningful.

28. Start before you’re ready.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” — Chinese Proverb
Most people wait. They believe they can start after they have enough time, money, connections and credentials. They wait until they feel “secure.” Not people who are unstoppable.
Unstoppable people started last year. They started five years ago before they even knew what they were doing. They started before they had any money. They started before they had all the answers. They started when no one else believed in them. The only permission they needed was the voice inside them prompting them to move forward. And they moved.

29. If you need permission, you probably shouldn’t do it.

A mentor of mine is a highly successful real estate investor. Throughout his career, he’s had hundreds of people ask him if they should “go into real-estate.”
He tells every one of them the same thing: that they shouldn’t do it. In fact, he actually tries talking most of them out of it. And in most cases he succeeds.
Why would he do that? “Those who are going to succeed will do so regardless of what I say,” he told me.
I know so many people who chase whatever worked for other people. They never truly decide what they want to do, and end up jumping from one thing to the next—trying to strike quick gold. And repetitively, they stop digging just a few feet from the gold after resigning the spot is barren.
No one will ever give you permission to live your dreams.

30. Don’t make exceptions.

Zig Ziglar used to tell a story of traveling one day and not getting in bed until 4 a.m. An hour and a half later (5:30), his alarm went off. He said, “Every fiber of my being was telling me to stay in bed.” But he had made a commitment, so he got up anyway. Admittedly, he had a horrible day and wasn’t productive at all.
Yet, he says that decision changed his life. As he explains:
“Had I bowed to my human, physical, emotional and mental desire to sleep in, I would have made that exception. A week later, I might have made an exception if I only got four hours of sleep. A week later, maybe I only got seven hours of sleep. The exception so many times becomes the rule. Had I slept in, I would’ve faced that danger. Watch those exceptions!”
Hence, Zig was unstoppable.
“From this point, your strategy is to make everyone else get on your level, you’re not going down to theirs. You’re not competing with anyone else, ever again. They’re going to have to compete with you. From now on, the end result is all that matters.” — Tim Grover
When you’re unstoppable, you will make sure to get what you want. Everything you need to know is already within you. All you need to do is trust yourself and act.
Are you unstoppable?

How to Boost Your Longevity in Your 60s

How to Boost Your Longevity in Your 60s

Your 60s are a big decade. You may be planning to put your work-life behind you and retiring. You may have more time to spend on yourself. While all of the change can be exciting and scary, what better time to start working on a "new you" than in this phase of your life? This "new you" can be even more focused on being healthy and feeling great. Make your retirement not about "resting" but about reaching your maximum health and working toward a long life of health and happiness. Here are ten things that can get you started.

It's Not Too Late for a Healthy Lifestyle

older couple jogging
adamkaz/Getty Images

Don't think that just because you are in your 60s, all your cards have been dealt when it comes to health. Even the changes you make now can significantly improve your health and, in some cases, reverse some of the damage that has been done in your younger years.
One of the biggest longevity mistakes that people make is thinking it is "too late" for them. Healthy steps like getting your weight under control, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, exercising at least 2.5 hours a week, and not smoking will improve your health and longevity at any age.

Keep Up Your Sex Life

Sex is an important part of life and health. You can have an active, rewarding sex life your entire life. Some even say that healthy sex life can increase your life expectancy (as if you needed another reason to keep it up). Learn about some of the issues around sex for men and women in their 60s, and take action to maintain a healthy, rewarding sex life.

Make Time to Take Care of Your Brain

Your brain likes problems. The brain likes something to puzzle over and figure out. It loves making new connections and learning, a practice that studies have shown keeps your brain healthy. Be sure to take steps to keep your brain happy in retirement.
Avoid falling into too much of a routine and keep your brain supplied with new and challenging thoughts. From puzzles to learning new skills, more and more research shows that a healthy brain into old age depends on constant intellectual stimulation. Take some courses, learn new things, and stay smart.

Make Time to Take Care of Your Body

Don't let your body retire when you do. Now that you have moved on from work and the kids have moved out, it is time to focus on your health. Sure, before you were busy and perhaps felt like you didn't always have time to exercise and cook healthy meals, but you should have more control of time now.
Use that time to undo some of the unhealthy things that you have done to your body. Lose weight, exercise, and eat fruits and vegetables (it really can be that simple). Make a plan for your body during retirement. Keep your body busy and active. Not only will you feel better, but you will likely live longer and healthier.

Think Positively About Aging

If you can develop a positive attitude toward aging, you could add up to 7.5 years to your life according to some researchers. Having a positive attitude affects how your body deals with stress and how it impacts your behaviors. Spend some time thinking about the positive aspects of age like wisdom and having more time for your own spiritual growth. See how many positive things about aging you can think up and remind yourself of those positives.

Take Control of Your Medical Care

Not understanding your medications and treatments can increase your risk of death. Research has found that patients who do not ask questions or do not understand their medical conditions or medication management are at an increased risk of complications and death.
Increase your chances of having a good outcome and maintaining good health by asking questions and taking the time to research and understand your medical conditions until you fully understand them. It could save your life.

Keep Getting Tested

By now you should be used to preventative care and screenings. Make sure you keep going and getting everything checked in your 60s. It will start to seem like a lot of exams and tests, but those doctors appointments can help detect illness early when it can be treated with the highest rate of success.
Make a commitment to keep up with the preventative care and screening plan you develop with your doctor. You might even decide to find some way to make screenings fun by bringing a good book or giving yourself a reward like a favorite lunch or purely fun appointment afterward. Adding just a little bit of something to look forward will make it a lot easier to keep those appointments.

Learn About Hormones and Aging

Your hormones continue to change throughout your life, including as you age. Some people believe that these changes in hormones are what causes aging. The truth is more complicated.
Before you look into hormone therapies, take some time to learn the facts about hormones and aging and be sure to talk to a doctor (who isn't selling anything) about how hormone supplements might be able to help you.

Use Your Time Productively

Retirement is all about time and having time to do what you want. Once you stop working, you gain at least 40 hours a week, which can be great for the ​busybody, but there are a few dangers associated with all of this extra time like television.
The average retired person watches over 4 sedentary hours of TV a day. That is the time that could, and should, be spent doing things that are healthy for your brain and body. It could be time spent exercising, socializing, volunteering, cooking healthy foods, and doing other things that you love.
Things like watching too much TV can become an easy, unhealthy habit in a matter of days. Take control of your time in retirement and use it to make yourself healthier and happier.

Maintain Your Social Life

You've planned financially for retirement, but have you planned socially? Going from an active working environment where you interact with others throughout the day to being home can be a tremendous social change.
Make a plan for getting out and being with people on a regular basis. Social contact can improve health because interacting with people helps you manage emotions, stress, and helps you maintain good habits. Make a plan for how you want your social life to be in retirement and then act on it.

Bottom Line

Your 60s should be an active time of your life spent enjoying everything you've worked for, including your health. Don't see retirement or semi-retirement only as a phase to plan financially, be sure that you are ready to take care of your mind and body for years to come.

Sex After Age 70 Is Increasing

Sex After Age 70 Is Increasing

A senior couple in bed.
Mark Bowden / Vetta / Getty Images

Is sex for older adults just as common, and just as satisfying, as it is for younger adults? In the past, not much research in this area existed. People assumed that, as people got older, sex became a thing of the past. Now, we know that people aged 70 and beyond are reporting having active, fulfilling sex lives.

Research on Sex After Age 70

Since 1970, researchers in Sweden have been surveying people over the age of 70 about their sex lives. One very interesting thing about the Swedish study is that we can compare this data from the 1970s to data we have today.
In 1971, only 52 percent of married men aged 70 and up reported that they were still sexually active. In more recent research, that figure increased to 68 percent.
Similarly, just 38 percent of married women over the age of 70 reported being sexually active in 1971, compared to 56 percent quoted in more recent research.
For unmarried older adults, there has been a similar increase in reported instances of sexual activity. 30 percent of single men and less than 1 percent of single women reported being sexually active in the context of that 1971 study. Now, 30 percent of single men and 12 percent of single women report that they are still having sex.

How Much Sex Are They Really Having?

Older adults are having more sex than you might think. Of all the sexually active older adults, 25 percent report having sex at least once a week (compared with 10 percent in the 1970s). Not only that, but at least half of the men and women said their relationships were “very happy.”

Which Older Adults Are More Likely to Be Sexually Active?

A further review of the data found these factors were most associated with being sexually active at age 70:
  • Positive attitude toward sexuality
  • Being married or cohabitating
  • Having a very happy relationship
  • Having a partner who was physically and mentally healthy
  • Good physical and mental health
  • Getting good sleep
  • Drinking alcohol more than three times per week
At age 70, the study found people were less likely to be still sexually active if their partner was older or if they had diabetes, coronary heart disease, or depression.

Why Might Older Adults Be Having More Sex?

  • People are living longer and are healthier. The average 70-year-old today is healthier than the average 70-year-old in 1970 and has a longer life expectancy.
  • Sexual dysfunctions are readily treated. Men have access to a number of medications (like Viagra) to treat erectile dysfunction.
  • The culture has changed. The expectations of older adults are different from what they were in the 1970s.

A Word From Verywell

You have a better chance than ever to enjoy sex long into your older years. Sex doesn't end at age 70, and the majority of those who reach that age in good health and in a relationship continue to have sex. Attitudes towards sex have changed over the past decades, and more people are entering older age expecting to continue to enjoy sex.

10 Simple Steps to Increase Your Life Expectancy

10 Simple Steps to Increase Your Life Expectancy

Life expectancy can be increased with simple steps and changes. This guide will help you find ways to increase your life expectancy, improve your health, and feel great as you age. Let's start with the easiest: increase your life expectancy with sunlight.

Go Outside for a Longer Life Expectancy

Go outside and get more sun
Paul Bradbury / Getty Images

Life expectancy can be increased simply by going outside. See, what happens when you go outside is that your skin gets exposed to sunlight. That exposure triggers cells in your skin to produce vitamin D. This vitamin (really a prohormone, but let's not worry about that here) is essential for bone health and is turning out to be important in depression, heart disease, diabetes, and just about everything.
Some estimate that 50% of adults have low levels of vitamin D because we simply don't get outside that much (sitting by a window doesn't count, the glass filters too much of the sunlight). This is a shame because maintaining vitamin D levels has to be the easiest and cheapest way to improve your health and increase your life expectancy.
Getting outside for just 15 minutes a day and exposing your hands and face to sunlight is enough to maintain vitamin D levels in most cases.
If you are concerned about your vitamin D levels, your doctor can order a simple blood test that will tell you if your levels are low. If for some reason you can't get outside enough, there are vitamin D supplements that you can take (but getting outside is a better option, if you can).
Elderly people need to pay special attention to their vitamin D levels. If you are a caregiver, be sure to assist your loved one in getting outside just a little bit every day. Not only will with improve vitamin D levels, but it could also improve sleep because sunlight also regulates another hormone in the body called melatonin that controls your sleep cycle.

Hang Out With Friends

Life expectancy can be increased by just hanging out with your friends and family. The more connected someone is, the better their overall health. Having positive relationships with a spouse, friends, and family is the best way to be connected.
We are not sure why relationships play a role in health and life expectancy. It could be that people in positive relationships are less likely to take on risky behaviors and are more likely to take care of themselves. It could be that having people around you reduces the impact of stress on your health.
People who are engaged in "meaningful" relationships have better health and better life expectancies.
One way of improving your relationships with people is to get in the habit of telling good stories. Stories are how we communicate with one another, and telling a good story strengthens communications. I can't count the number of times I've been on the phone with someone and was just talking about the weather or giving a dry update on my family. Instead, I should be telling a story about a funny thing my kids did or something crazy that happened at work. Stories keep relationships alive.
So make more time for friends and family. Go do things together (create stories together), and make a real effort to improve your communication with them (whether by e-mail, phone or in person) by having a good story always ready for the telling.

Improve Life Expectancy With Daily Exercise

Improve your life expectancy with a commitment to daily exercise. Why daily? Well, after carefully considering all the research and ​exercise recommendations out there and knowing a bit about how people form habits, I have to conclude that a daily exercise commitment is a great way to improve your life expectancy, your health, and your energy level. Here's why:
A study showed that people who exercise vigorously for around 3 hours a week had DNA and cells that were 9 years younger than nonexercisers. Three hours a week is a little more than 30 minutes a day.
Forget the study, though. What I know (from personal experience and from observing others) is that if you go more than 2 days without exercising, you are in grave danger of quitting your routine. Somehow it is way too easy to slip from three days of nonexercise to three weeks of nonexercise to three months of nonexercise.
The easiest way to create an exercise habit is through daily repetition. When you promise yourself to exercise daily, you may skip a day but then get back on the program the following day. If you are exercising three times a week and, say, skip Friday, then you would have gone from Wednesday to Monday without exercising – a total of 4 days with no exercise (very dangerous, from a habit-building perspective). For life expectancy, it is more important that you exercise year after year than go through fits and starts of intense exercise followed by no exercise.
The other reason I feel that daily exercise is important is that daily exercise will help improve your sleep and your energy level. It is important to just rev up your whole body each day. Remember, daily exercise doesn't have to mean going to the gym every day. Home exercises, such as yoga, stretching, free weights and more, can be incredibly effective.

Floss Daily for a Longer Life Expectancy

The fact that flossing daily can extend life expectancy falls in the weird-but-true category.
Flossing does two things: it prevents gum disease (that's rather obvious), and it prevents heart disease (not so obvious). Preventing both of these together is what adds years to your life.
When you floss, you help prevent your gums from becoming inflamed. That's a good thing. What is happening when your gums are inflamed is that you have a chronic bacterial infection in your mouth. This harms your arteries through two mechanisms: the bacteria find their way into your arteries and hang out (causing plaques), and your body mounts an immune response to the bacteria in your mouth, causing inflammation (which in turn can cause your arteries to narrow). This makes it hard for your heart to do its job and can lead to heart disease.
There is some debate about how many years you can gain with heart disease. Dr. Perls says 1.5 years, while Dr. Roizen says 6 years. Both of these doctors are gerontologists (aging docs) and have popular books on aging and life expectancy (see reviews: Living To 100, RealAge and You! Staying Young). Who is right? It doesn't matter. Flossing is good for your gums and good for your heart, so we should all just do it.
Of course, this is easier said than done. How do you get into a solid flossing habit? First, you need to make sure you have some floss. There are tons of different kinds of floss (flavored, unflavored, strings, ribbons and on and on). Pick some and give them a try. Next, you have to remember. Put your floss on top of your toothpaste. Hard to forget that way. Then just do it. You already have a habit of brushing your teeth at least twice daily (right? — please say yes), so just anchor your flossing habit to that.

More Sex for a Longer Life Expectancy

Your life expectancy may be increased by having more sex.
In one study, men with a high frequency of orgasms showed a 50% reduction in mortality.
This is good news, especially because issues around sex and aging are being taken more and more seriously by the medical community.
Why sex should be linked to life expectancy is something of a mystery. Of course, it could be that healthier people are more likely to have more sex and that the findings linking sex to life expectancy are reflecting this, but I think there is more to it.
We have seen elsewhere that having good relationships and being positive are linked to longer life expectancies. Maybe sex is a market for good, positive relationships. Of course, there could be a direct health benefit as well: sex triggers all sorts of endorphins and hormones in the body. Maybe these help with healthy aging and increasing life expectancy.
But who really cares about the reason? The simple fact is that having more sex is healthy. 

Be Like A Vegetarian for Your Life Expectancy

Life expectancy can be linked to three factors that vegetarians excel at fewer bad fats, more antioxidants, and lower weight. Before we go into how being a vegetarian can help your life expectancy, though, we have to define what we mean by a vegetarian.
There are some vegetarians who are "junk food vegetarians." These types of vegetarians eat cheese pizzas and ice cream all day long. That is not good for health or life expectancy. What we mean is the person who is eating lots of vegetables prepared in healthy fats (such as olive oil) while limiting animal products, such as cheese and cream. We'll call this type of vegetarian a "whole foods vegetarian."
The leading cause of death and the number one shortener of life expectancy in the U.S. is heart disease. As your heart ages, there can be a build of gunk in your arteries and your arteries themselves can become harder. This causes your blood pressure to rise and your heart to work harder, leaving you at risk for heart disease. Vegetarians (whole foods vegetarians) have some of the best arteries around because eating healthy vegetables avoids bad fats and other unhealthy foods.
People who eat lots of vegetables also take in lots of antioxidants.
Antioxidants help your body repair some of the damage caused by aging. The more plants you eat (and the greater variety) the more raw materials your body has to make repairs. 
Finally, vegetables simply fill you up with very few calories (if prepared without creams, butter or cheese). A healthy vegetarian diet should help maintain or lose weight. A healthy weight is tied to a longer life expectancy.
So be more like a vegetarian to increase your life expectancy and live healthier.

Destress for a Longer Life Expectancy

Life expectancy can be messed up by stress in two major ways. The first way is through the direct, unhealthy effects of stress on your body in the long term. The second way stress may shorten your life expectancy is through the negative behaviors that being stressed triggers. These behaviors include comfort eating and smoking. Learn to relax through de-stressing techniques or meditation to keep your life expectancy up where it should be.
Stress has been linked to dozens of health conditions, including heart disease or cancer.
Stress has also been linked (no surprise) to feeling irritable and not sleeping well. By focusing on stress, you can improve your quality of life right now while improving your long-term health and life expectancy too. That's a pretty good deal.
You can de-stress through a wide range of stress reduction techniques. My personal favorite is called the "relaxation response." This is a scientifically proven breathing technique that will help train your body not to respond to the stressful events in your life.
My other more long-term relaxation technique is meditation. By learning how to meditate, you not only calm your body, but you begin to train your mind. This is great for mental fitness, concentration, and (of course) relaxation.

Extend Your Life Expectancy Through Screenings and Tests

Improving your life expectancy through medical tests and health screenings is certainly not one of the "fun ways to live longer," but it is, without a doubt, one of the most effective ways to add healthy years on to your life.
Medical tests and screenings can help treat diseases early, when they are more treatable, and extend life expectancy even with an illness or disease.
Of course, the challenge is figuring out what tests to take when. Only your doctor can really tell you 100% (every individual is different in terms of risk factors and family history).
I like to think of health screenings as part of a disease prevention program. Preventing diseases (or catching them early) is probably the single best way to add years to your life expectancy. Make a plan today to prevent disease, get everything checked and feel good that you are doing everything you can for a longer life expectancy.

Turn Off Your TV for a Longer Life Expectancy

If life expectancy and television watching aren't linked, I'd be shocked. Of course, I can't prove that TV and life expectancy are linked (no one has done a study comparing the life expectancy of TV-watchers and non-watchers, probably because they can't find enough non-watchers for a good study). I really do think that cutting back on television watching would improve most people's health and (therefore) increase their life expectancy. Here are ​a couple of reasons:
  • Watching TV makes you inactive. You just sit there burning as few calories as possible, which could lead to weight problems.
  • TV makes you eat more junk food. People who are watching TV eat more than those who don't. It's a fact.
  • TV makes you antisocial. You are at home, zoned in, instead of talking with real people, face-to-face.
  • TV is stressful. The news and many shows are filled with stressful stories. Avoid these, and you may feel things are not so bad after all.
  • TV keeps you from doing other things. This is the big one for me. The average person watches something like four hours of TV every day. That is 28 hours a week or more than 1,400 hours a year. If we all just put that time ​into something else (exercise, volunteering, talking with our children), think of what a different world it would be.
Of course, I can't tell you how many years of life you will gain if you quit watching TV (it depends on your weight and what you do with the extra time), but I can tell you that you will gain back around 1,400 hours each year (on average).

Avoiding Risks Increases Life Expectancy

Life expectancy can be protected by making sure that you don't take any unnecessary risks. For young people, the biggest causes of death aren't diseases or age-related problems.
The most common causes of death for young people are accidents, injuries, and violence.
When you add certain behaviors (such as smoking) to that list (which shortens life expectancy by up to 14 years), you get a list of things to avoid to protect your life expectancy.
Here's the list (I know, it sounds like nagging, but do these things anyway): wear your seat belt, drive defensively, avoid situations that may lead to injury, avoid risky sex, avoid violent situations, don't smoke (or quit smoking if you do smoke) and maintain a healthy weight.
If you can do those things, then you are already increasing your life expectancy. Focus on avoiding obvious risks and dangers. Your body is pretty amazing and will keep going for a long time as long as you keep it out of trouble.

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