Sunday, 5 April 2020

21 Ways To Perfect The Art Of Storytelling

21 Ways To Perfect The Art Of Storytelling

The art of storytelling is a powerful way of communicating your message. We human beings are wired for a good story. Nothing shows us lessons about rising and falling, stagnation, and change like a narrative. And good storytelling techniques will build and empower your brand. Let me teach you how you can tell your unique message for yourself and your business through the art of storytelling.

Master the Art of Storytelling and Empower Your Brand

Learning the Art of Storytelling Begins with Character

1. How to discover who you are so you can unleash your passion

Telling a story begins by answering the question of who is in the story. In real life, we’re asked the same question — though it isn’t as obvious. To answer it, you’ll need to go on a journey like I did. The journey will draw out who you are and gift you with knowledge. This knowledge unlocks your passion, which will ignite the lives of listeners, the people you encounter, and the things you touch.

2. How to be fully aligned with your destiny

When you take a journey to answer the question of who you are, you clarify your mission. Until your mission becomes clear, your life will be full of compromises. You and the people you work with will never be in a win/win situation. Your mission statement points the arrow to your true north and unlocks the potential to enrich all whom you contact.

3. Who else wants to change the world?

Who else wants to change the world? | 21 Ways to Perfect the Art of Storytelling
Part of the journey is listening to other people’s own stories. We’re all travelers going through parallel paths. Another person’s journey can impact the one you’re taking immensely. You don’t need to be a professional storyteller to share your and other people’s journey.
My journey only really began when I mentored with a guy named Dan Sullivan. Dan proclaimed that he wanted to transform more lives and make a greater impact in the world than anyone who has ever lived. His sense of purpose infected me and made me ask what my own mission was.
When you have the opportunity to tell your story, don’t stifle your voice. The simple act of oral storytelling can literally change another person’s life. The art of storytelling relies on your being authentic and brave with your own narrative.

Your Message is the Key to the Art of Storytelling

4. How to find your message so you can spread it to millions and make an impact in the world

After journeying deep into your own story, you come back with a message. In order to make it into a tale worth listening to, you need vulnerability and credibility. Vulnerability is power because it allows you to create a human connection with your audience. Credibility proves you have the expertise to guide people and this will make them choose you to mentor them on their own journeys. In other words, don’t just make up fairy tales; create the tale you’ll share with the world with characters from real life.
Your story needs to be structured for it to be compelling. It starts out with the Call, where you realize that change is necessary. Then you fall into the Pit, the lowest point in your story where you’ve felt the most pain. The Search happens when you start looking for answers until you unlock your message in the Breakthrough.

I share my personal story in this interview with Garrett of Futuristic Academy:

5. The key to creating your unique and compelling message

Here’s my formula for a truly electric message. Your most basic message is: I help people do so they can become y. It’s that simple. By following my advice on the structure of your story and mixing in credibility and vulnerability, you charge your story. People become glued to your words.

Telling Your Brand Story Begins When You Sell a Vision

6. How to create an inspired life

You need to imagine the life you want to lead. What’s a day like in this life? Think of all the activities you do that energize you and the interests that inspire you. Bring in the people you want to share that life with. Take that snapshot and commit to it because that’s your vision of an inspired life.
Now, you have to ask yourself what steps you can take to live that life and take those steps. Combine that with your life’s mission and vision, and you’re on your way to living an inspired life.

7. How to become the new celebrity in the world today

Clarifying your vision starts your message to millions. It makes your audience crave transformation. In my own philosophy, I talk about transforming people into what I call the new celebrity.
The new celebrity is someone, who after searching for their message, gathers the courage to tell it, and in the process, transforms other people’s lives and gets rewarded with wealth for being themselves and for living an inspired life.
Here’s a visioning exercise I do to help people to meet their full potential at the start of the day through:

8. Can anyone succeed?

I think how we, collectively as beings and as a society, define success is officially dead. This is something I realized after I questioned the state of my life as an insurance salesman earning a six-figure commission.
You have to tell people that yes, anyone can succeed, but they have to be a success in their own terms. Lead them to that definition, and you’ll have conversions. Your power of storytelling can help them realize that.
Ask them what life they’re looking at right now versus the life they want to create. From this vision, move them through the steps of how they will change their environment to fit what they see in their dreams. This has worked for me and I hope it works for you.

Here’s me talking about my own vision and what I think success is:

Vulnerability Breathes Life into How You Tell a Story

9. My biggest failure on the road to success

Things got really bad for me at a certain point in my life. I had vices and had illicit relations with different women, yet those aren’t my biggest failures. My biggest failure is not giving myself permission to succeed sooner.
Don’t go telling yourself you’re not good enough for what you want — that you’re not worthy. Don’t ask for permission. If you’ve tried one time and you didn’t hack it, rest and re-engage. Constant engagement with your goal is what gives your vision substance in the real world.
Here’s a video of me discussing this very topic:

10. How I almost didn’t bounce back from an embarrassing moment

The greatest anxiety we attach to failure involves being embarrassed in front of other people. A single embarrassing moment can traumatize you for life.
I had the same experience when I lost all idea of what I was talking about in a seminar for a group of clients. It was literally my make or break moment.
What that moment taught me is embarrassing moments are opportunities for transformation. If you go through the fire, you come out on the other side with a new creativeness and a new passion. These moments are key to the art of storytelling, even if they feel painful at the moment.

11. Is your story stopping you?

Is Your Story Stopping You? | 21 Ways to Perfect the Art of Storytelling
The way you frame your story can either hinder you or propel you. Choose to tell your story which empowers you and emboldens you.
It’s the same way with roles. The way you think about the hats you wear affects your work. I was too shy to call myself a marketer, too cautious to call myself a tech, and too timid to call myself an entrepreneur. I only thought of myself as a guy with a story, and it gave me a mixed bag when it came to the results of my work. It’s the same with giving yourself permission to succeed, you must never shy away from claiming a role.

12. What to do when you feel like your message is the same as somebody else’s

The quickest way to feel like a fraud is to compare your message to other people’s. Finding out your story is the same as everyone else’s feeds your impostor syndrome.
If you look at your journey, re-live your pit moments, and re-engage the moment you realized what your message is, you’ll find it’s as unique as your DNA. You went into a very special place inside of you and drew out a gift unto the world.
You can listen to the full podcast to learn more about the art of storytelling and differentiating your message here: 

13. Is it too late for you to create the life you dream of?

Are you too old to reach your dreams? Of course not. You just need to keep thinking about the life you want to lead, cultivate the right connections, and take the steps you need to realize your dreams.
More answers to this question:

One of the Best Elements in the Art of Storytelling is Rising Action

14. Courage under fire

When you open up your life story and talk about your message, you’re in a vulnerable place. It’s as if you’re under fire. Just acknowledge the present moment and your being there is an opportunity. Being yourself right at that very moment is courage in itself.
Take heart and press on. Great storytellers are those who recognize the power of their message and its possible impact on the listeners.

15. Hold on to your dreams

Sometimes, you’ll feel lost and totally unaligned with your vision. For some time, I had a string of conversations with people I just didn’t click with. I felt totally out of touch with my mission.
I was about to turn in for the day, and I almost refused a client call. Before I did, I stopped myself for a minute, took the call, and received the opportunity to work with a celebrity.
It’s the little things we do to hold on to our dreams which reward us with the right opportunities.

16. I have another dream…

It’s never too late to manifest your dream. I was able to fulfill my dream of performing in my own one-man show Good Enough.
What I did to get here was to stay consistent with my vision, looked at how I can transform my environment to achieve my inspired life, and took the necessary steps to make it happen.
This is what you can achieve when you say YES, I’M GOOD ENOUGH!: 

Leveraging the Power and Art of Storytelling in Business

17. Why story sells and changes lives

I was in Kenya once, and I spoke with a chief of the Masai, a tribe living in the African nation. We spoke about how their people lived and of the cows they led to the pasture. Without intending to, I gave the chief enough money to fund the education of one of his 90 children.
Why did I do that? He wasn’t seeking a donation, but the authenticity of the purpose and his vulnerability as a witness to his tribe’s welfare compelled me.
Your story can do the same for your life.

18. What goes into making your business a success?

When you’re in a business, you can’t help but feel you’ve entered a rat race because of the competition. To keep you going, you need to remember how big your dreams are. You also need to enter into a mindset which turns the business into a game. Like most games, it’s not over until the buzzer sounds at the last minute. Take the time as well to appreciate the amazing people you’ve surrounded yourself with.

19. Make selling the easiest to do

What I’m going to advise is counter-intuitive. When you’re selling, you need to punch up way above your level. Make clients out of millionaires, and you’ll never worry about missing your quota. It’s only hard in the beginning, but I promise it gets easier with time.
If your competition is difficult, think of it as a game. That way, it becomes fun, and it takes the edge off doing business.

20. Stand in your value

When talking about the price of your product or service, there will be times when your client talks down the pricing. Don’t crumble. Stand in your value. Think about what it’s worth to you developing your work, its potential contribution to your client. Just move the conversation to the transformative value your work can give.
Don’t compromise the value of your work, but meet the clients needs with a flexible price plan. Be firm in the belief that your storytelling skills are enough to make every cent worth it.

21. How to create balance in your life and business

Everybody needs balance in their lives. But how do you achieve in life and business? Find out here: 

Embedded video

When we talk about the balance between life and business, people think about minimizing hours at work and keeping work from intruding into quality time at home. That’s the conventional way of looking at it.
What I’m proposing is a better idea of balance. Just work on energy-producing activities. These are activities which maximize your opportunities in business and are aligned with your vision of contributing to the world.
Lessen your low-impact activities. Reduce taking in clients who are moving on a separate journey from where you’re taking your business. Less is more. That’s how you create balance.
Most of the entries in this article I made for you today will help you craft your own story. Think about where your message is coming from. Go into that special space inside of you and draw it out, then use it to transform your life and the lives of people you love. Take what measure of success it gives you and let time echo it into something larger than yourself — your own message to millions, your contribution to the art of storytelling.
If you loved the material I’ve accumulated all these years, there’s more to capture from my free online training. Just click the link and enter your e-mail address to get more of the insights I’ve shared here, and learn more about the art of storytelling.
Up Next: Create Profitable Live Events with Small Audience

The Golden Rule Of Relationships Nobody Talks About

The Golden Rule Of Relationships Nobody Talks About

All the other loving behaviors stem from this commitment

Nov 25, 2019 · 5 min read

Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash

I’ve had only one successful relationship in my life, but it has lasted for over 17 years. It began under the most unlikely and challenging circumstances. And I credit the Golden Rule of relationships for overcoming those odds.
Our bond strengthens when we follow this rule and weakens when we stray from it. All other acts of love follow when you do this first.

We danced around the border of friends and lovers but never crossed the threshold, despite the constant encouragement of our mutual friends. She was moving to Colorado in less than three months. My opportunity to make something happen was vanishing. I had one chance left.
It was the night of the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah in September of 2002. I went to my parents’ house in Long Island and would not be back in New York City until night time.
I’ll be at American Trash,” she said. “Come by when you get back.” It was a bar, only a block from my apartment, and a regular hangout spot of ours.
I had my chances with her in the months leading up to this night, but I had always wimped out and opted to play things safe, maintaining our status as friends. And now, with her imminent departure finalized, I was regretting my hesitation.

A decision that shaped the next 17 years

I came home at around 9 PM. And debated what to do for about half-hour. Should I go or let it die? I decided that this opportunity was a priority. I couldn’t let things go without trying.
We kissed that night for the first time. It was around 2 AM. We were drunk, and it was on the corner of 76th Street and 1st Avenue, outside of a 24-hour diner. Hardly romantic, but still memorable.
We dated casually at first. I didn’t think she wanted a long-distance relationship, so I tried to avoid cramming a year of dating into two months.
And then sometime in October, I met a mutual friend, Beth, for dinner. We sipped on margaritas and chowed on roasted duck burritos. She asked me what I thought of my nascent relationship. I told her it wouldn’t go anywhere. “She doesn’t want to start anything serious,” I said.
Beth told me I was mistaken. They had spoken, and Beth had gotten the impression she would embrace a long-distance relationship.
I recall feeling hopeful disappointment with that news. There was a possibility we could make it work, but it would be near impossible. The logistics and the sacrifice. How could I do it?
I didn’t brood for long. I decided that night I would make it my top priority. And if she would do the same, we could make it work.

The magic slips away

November rolled around, and we both ran the New York City Marathon. She left for Colorado the following week. We spoke every night after she left, but I felt the connection slipping away. We’d each get caught up in our day to day lives and eventually move on.
I decided to do something out of character. I threw a surprise birthday party for her on a return trip back home.
I coordinated with all of her close friends to make sure invitations reached everyone in her circle. I found a bar that would host the event. It took a lot of effort to pull this off, but this relationship was my number one priority.
It was a magical night that solidified our relationship. We saw each other only once over the next two months, but we somehow strengthened our bond.
In February, I made what would be my last trip. I was out of vacation days. She had time off from school in April but was having trouble getting affordable tickets.
We hadn’t discussed what our next steps would be, but I knew we would struggle without a planned date of when we’d see each other again.

Our super risky adventure

On a whim, she suggested I move out to Colorado. She might have been joking, but I followed by asking if we should move in together. It was a crazy thing to say. We had been friends for a few years but had dated for only five months. Three of those months were long distance.
We agreed on a plan. Two months later, I quit my job, sold my apartment, and packed up my car for Colorado.
There has been a multitude of ups and downs since those early days. But I still can’t believe the decisions I made back then, so out of character for me.
In all the critical moments of those first five months, I made our relationship the most vital thing in the world. It was more important than my career, social life, and financial condition. I haven’t done that for all 17 years we’ve been together, but I try to remember it during times of struggle.

The golden rule of relationships

Make your relationship the top priority in your life. That’s the golden rule. When you do so, you take chances. You put the other person first. As long as both of you make it a top priority, you’ll find it easier to compromise and look for win-win outcomes. You do kind things for each other without being asked.
All of the loving behaviors that enhance your relationship flow from making that special person your first concern.
During the early stages of a relationship, we’re insecure about our status, uncertain of where we stand. We make our relationships the top priority to achieve that certainty in status.
Time passes. We get comfortable and secure. Our relationship goes from being the top priority to one of many priorities.
Your personal ambitions and desires re-emerge. There’s nothing wrong with that. We need our space, but sometimes we forget the tenuous circumstances that forged our relationship and the risks and sacrifices we made to make them safe and secure. We get lazy and take things for granted.
If that’s where you find yourself, put your other priorities aside, and remember the golden rule.

Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3 Free Download

Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3 Free Download

by Muhammad
Download Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3 free latest version offline setup for Windows 64-bit. Edraw MindMaster Professional 7.3 is a powerful mind mapping application with a variety of customizations and setting with a variety of powerful tools for visualizing the ideas.

Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3 Overview

MindMaster Pro 7.3 is a powerful application for visualizing ideas and improved productivity with a variety of powerful tools to create mind maps. It provides complete control over the ideas and supports branching the ideas effortlessly with great ease. Create different types of charts to manage and organize the ideas in a more convenient way. It is a powerful application with a variety of tools and generating diagrams without any complexities. A sleeker and a modern user interface that helps the users to conveniently perform all the operations.
Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3 Download
Manage projects easily and manage the projects with great ease. Visualize the projects and manage the ideas with great ease. Perform numerous operations with a variety of powerful tools to process the mind maps. Display creative thoughts and ideas in a graphical environment with a well-structured solution. Optimize the tasks with different tools and provides a hassle-free solution. It provides increased efficiency while organized different fields. On concluding notes, it is a reliable solution with a variety of powerful tools for the users to create mind maps and visualize the ideas.
Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3

Features of Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3

  • Powerful application to create mind maps
  • Simple and easy to use application
  • Creating mind maps and different diagrams and charts
  • Visualize the ideas and share the ideas
  • Easily managing the business projects and technological aspects
  • Optimize the tasks and manage the business projects
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  • Numerous powerful tools to process the diagrams
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  • Various bug fixes and enhance
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Technical Details of Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3

  • Software Name: Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3
  • Software File Name:
  • File Size: 77 MB
  • Developer: Edraw

System Requirements for Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3

  • Operating System: Windows 10/8/7
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB free HDD
  • Installed Memory: 1 GB of minimum RAM
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher

Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3 Free Download

Click on the below link to download the latest version offline setup of Edraw MindMaster Pro 2019 v7.3 for Windows 64-bit.
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Oasys AdSec 8.2 Free Download

Oasys AdSec 8.2 Free Download

by Muhammad
Download Oasys AdSec 8.2 free latest version offline setup for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit. Oasys AdSec 8.2 is a reliable beam section analysis toot providing a variety of customizations and settings to produce accurate results.

Oasys AdSec 8.2 Overview

A powerful bean section analysis application, Oasys AdSec 8 comes with a variety of tools to find out the stress and the capacity of stress that a pile can handle. It provides a variety of powerful tools that actually analyzes the load on a slab, check the capacity, adding various types of sheets to an existing concrete section so to find out the stiffness and the capacity of a specific beam or a concrete section. It is a reliable application that helps in making the concrete structures even more reliable. This powerful application has the ability to use a combination of different materials and provides better control over the concrete, steel, and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) sections. You can also download IES Building Suite 2020
Oasys AdSec 8.2 Download
Moreover, it can analyze any sections under load. The application works with a wide range of international design codes with uniaxial and biaxial conditions. It provides better parametric input features with advanced analysis features and improved productivity. It provides a wide range of powerful tools and options with geometric and reinforcement layout for regular beam sections and columns. Analyze different types of load including axial loads, pre-stress with bonded and unbonded tendons, temperature effects, the long term dead loads and short term loads as well as external forces. Create custom beam sections and analyzing different conditions is just at your fingertips.
Oasys AdSec 8.2

Features of Oasys AdSec 8.2

  • A powerful beam section analysis application
  • Analyzes the stress and loads on the beams
  • Easily check the capacity of a pile
  • Add carbon fiber sheets to the existing concrete section
  • Increases the strength and improve the load handling
  • Find out the stiffness and the capacity
  • Provides support for analyzing the concrete sections
  • Analysis options for serviceability and the limits
  • Provides a variety of international design codes
  • Use biaxial and uniaxial conditions
  • Parametric input features for the reinforcement layout
  • Supports working on beam sections and regular shaped beams
  • Check for the bending limits and the axial loads
  • Prestress using the bonded and unbonded tensions
  • Find out any temperature effects and shrinkage
  • Derive forces from the curvatures and strains
  • Combine materials together to form better structures
  • Many other powerful features and options
Oasys AdSec 8.2 Free Download

Technical Details of Oasys AdSec 8.2

  • Software Name: Oasys AdSec 8.2
  • Software File Name: AdSec58.rar
  • File Size: 23 MB
  • Developer: Oasys Software

System Requirements for Oasys AdSec 8.2

  • Operating System: Windows 10/8/7
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB of minimum free HDD
  • Installed Memory: 1 GB of minimum RAM
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher

Oasys AdSec 8.2 Free Download

Click on the below link to download the latest version offline setup standalone installer of Oasys AdSec 8.2 for Windows x86 and x64 architecture.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

How to Know If You’re Living Up to Your Potential

How to Know If You’re Living Up to Your Potential

If you aren’t, you will spend a lot of time justifying what you’re doing 

Photo: Martin Dimitrov/Getty Images

If you are not living up to your potential, you will know.
You will know even if you try to do everything in your power to avoid knowing. You will know because you will spend a lot of time trying to convince yourself that you’re doing your absolute best. You will know because you will find yourself rationalizing, listing facts and figures to prove you’ve made it.
I got this degree.
I graduated — that was once the biggest accomplishment I could have ever thought of.
I live in this place, and I didn’t imagine I would.
I’ve made this much, and I never thought I could.
I traveled here.
I paid this off.
… And anyone would say that’s enough.
On and on the accomplishments will go, until you’ve inflated yourself a bit.
In a fleeting moment of gratitude, you will appreciate what you’ve built. For a brief second, that lukewarm feeling of gratitude will dissipate your dissatisfaction, and you’ll forget your unhappiness for a while.
It will return.
There is a difference between doing well for yourself and living up to your potential.
When you are living up to your potential, your deep well of longing will close up.
Nobody can draw this line for you. Nobody can tell you what is or isn’t your fullest capacity. Nobody can define what success should or shouldn’t look like for you.
You’ll have to know it for yourself.
And what if you inherently know you’re unhappy? What if you know you’re constantly reaching for reasons why you should be happy instead of simply feeling it?
That means you’re not there yet.

When we’re growing up, we’re taught how to define “being okay” as stability.
In time, we realize that we don’t know what the hell we want out of life, so we attach ourselves to certain markers of success. We turn those markers into goals. We aim for them.
We build lives that soothe the fears of our childhood selves. As grown-ups, we find that we’re still hanging onto the training wheels.
Slowly, we realize we want to start that business. We want to influence our community. We want to travel. We want to heal. We want to be freed.
Deep down, we each have a vision for how great our life could be. When we say we “don’t know what we want,” we really mean we’re afraid to admit what we want, to face that vision head-on.

To pursue  would be to realize your fullest potential.
To reach the end of your life and know, deep down, that you lived as fully, deeply, and completely as you could — that would be to reach your fullest potential.
To live in a way that made you breathless with excitement and completely at peace all at once would be to reach your fullest potential.
To pursue —no matter how silly, stupid, small, or unimportant someone else might think it is—would be to reach your fullest potential.
To do the thing that has been on your mind the entire time you’ve been reading this — that is what you must do to reach your fullest potential.
There is, unfortunately, no other way to be satisfied.

People will tell you there will always be more to hope for, more to want. Greed is stealthy like that. We get one thing and we want another, so on and so forth, until we hit a breaking point.
What most people fail to recognize is that we only want more when we aren’t pursuing what we actually need.
When you are living up to your potential, your deep well of longing will close up. You will feel full. You will go to bed at night excited to wake up the next day. You will live in a place that makes you feel like your best and truest self.
You will not wish for the world anymore, because you will have the only little piece of it you ever really wanted.
It’s not a question of whether you will live up to your potential, it’s a question of when.

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Wike: Stop Watering Your 2023 Ambition With the Blood of Igbo Youths 😭😭 By Chidiebere Nwobodo  I am not a fan of Nnamdi Kanu n...